The Central Okanagan Family Hub provides free space to community agencies and local parent support groups to build competencies, understanding and skills in the many roles of parenthood. Any session or program facilitated out of the Parent Learning Hub are to be free for participants.
Host agencies are required to fill out the required rental agreement established by School District No. 23 and submit proof of insurance prior to the start of any program.
Programs that have been offered in the Parent Learning Place include:
- Bond to literacy
- Breastfeeding Café
- Japanese Story Telling
- Lift the Lip
- Mother Goose
- Nobody’s Perfect
- Peetigway
- Post Natal Wellness
- Special Events
- Storytime
- Tumble Bumble
- World Garden
*The Learning Place could also host special events and resource fairs.
If you or your agency is interested in using the Parent Learning Space for programming or events, please fill out the paperwork below and submit it to info@nullcofh.ca.